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stumble-uponmyvintagelife .blogspot.com ♥
Monday, July 23, 2007

so long never blog le, so it feels shuang man.

Streaming is approaching closer day by day, and like duh, who isn't studying?

so we had a talk today in the audi. =.- fi and fish missed it.

Bio seems tough enough. I think I'll probably give it a miss, but no harm trying(:

SATURDAY; band40ad
woke up at 7.40am. Early right? Nope.
Watched teevee until 9am + then went to get ready for band. Needa start packing, cos there was a great day ahead.

=.- even though I packed early, I was still late. Why? Cos I only bought my lunch at 12.15pm.
Fall in was at 12.30pm, and I arrived there at 12.37pm. But the best thing was that there was NO punishment. (:

First, we helped to shift the benches from the canteen to the hall. Next, we had to cover the table in scores, and then stick it on with double sided tape. BLEAH! Sian eh! The papers had to be arranged in a specific way, and then the scores kept flying away. -.- ARGH!

Then, we had to stick on some clear plastic, and cut the edges. Why couldn't we just do the plastic? URGH.

Then, it was shower and changing time(:

Then, dinner time. Cool man. Thai pineapple rice, sushi, pastries, fruit punch, chicken, jap seaweed chicken and cant remember what. But it tasted great!

Desert was some longan or lychee thing. Yeah.

Then we had belphogor sing-a-long. Fun man. Each section had to sing their own parts, and perc couldn't be heard! (:

Miss Irene Joseph did the conducting for us, LOL. It was enjoyable.

Then, played games. Some dress up and modeling. Only perc voted for Rifat. haha.
Zhiyi was retarded? yeah.

After the birthday song, we took photos. (:
Beatrice, ZhiNing, Lisa, Jin, Tiffany, Belinda, Yijing were so DAMN chio can?

Had assembly in the audi, and we ponned a bit of lit, but no use. Mrs Teo wouldnt let us shift the timing to after school, so we had to take the test during the period. SIAN.
I think I will fail la.

Then, had chinese, and needed to bring ying yong wen. I DIDNT BRING IT.
Ahber's usual phrase:KOU NI WU FEN [5 marks deducted] SIAN

fuck it, can? Then + tmr haf all the sucky subjs, and + haf class test for geog and hist. Can die de leh, streaming yr.

PON TENNERS; go to hell la. wlao. today was like damnation for 6 hours.

tmr will be another 6 hours of DAMNATION. fuck it.

it was your choice to dao me. just make sure you dont regret it.
I know you wont, cos it was my own wishful thinking. I've received the message, okay?
Eternal damnation is worse than hell. MUCH worse.
Friday, June 29, 2007

Haiz. I protest with two hands up that our holidays should be longer. (:
I haven't even finished all my holiday homework, and tada, HOLS ARE OVER. Wth is this shit?
On monday, went to school damn early(early for me lah) and wanted to copy homework. In the end, I was too lazy to do, and slacked until 7.25am.

E to J block's PA system not working properly, so our class was the last to go down.
Me: Eh look! Everybody is going down.
Xinyi: Maybe they are guai kia, want to go down early?

at 7.25am ++:
Me: OMG! we are the only ones left here!
Hanwei: Quick la! Everyone go down liao!

The whole class started to go out of class. Since it was the first day of school, Mrs Lim didn't catch us. (:

Then, it was slack day, cause the time table changed, and we didn't really have lessons. (:

Oh yeah. I love pie. (:

Total randomness. =]

And to meryl: You still look WIERD in your new fringe. (:

On Tuesday, slack day over le. Had to endure the B-O-R-I-N-G subjects, and Ahber's nagging... SIAN.

But ahber is actually a good teacher. I never thought I would think of her this way, but who knows? People mature you know.

*Ahem. I wont say who doesn't mature, huh Fidelia?*

Anyway, I copied homework on Tuesday, but not early in the morning. (: I was almost late. ZZZ.

Wednesday, we had freaking art, and TMM was like: I give you one minute, go back to class and get your organizers.


One minute sia.

Make me sweat like siao. In the end, we didn't even use the organizers, and I had marks taken off because I didn't bring my research materials. -.-

1 mark wasted? Yeah.

Next was music. Pretty slack, and we had AIR-CON! (: Woots!

And guess what? On thursday, I woke up at 7am. Great isn't it? NOT.

Chionged to school by taking a taxi at 7.25am, and reached the Assembly Plaza just before the anthem started. (:

I'm one lucky person!

reply to tags:

Yuyi: Thanks for your faithful tagging. (:

Fidelia: LOL. Haven't been spamming my blog? Thank goodness!

Meryl: Yeah, thanks, for welcoming me back to band. (:
Monday, May 28, 2007

MYEs are over, and here comes the june hols. (: Im planning on watching Pirates of The Carribean tomorrow, while Huai xi and Xinyi are working! Oh yes, treble clef... be prepared to get jealous... (:

All thanks to Miss Nani for intro-ing the movie to our class, or else I would never think of watching that particular movie. (:

MYE results was terrible, so I am not going to talk abt it here...

Ok. Sorry for not updating sooner... I was too preoccupied other stuff...(:

Have been downloading songs into my fone since yesterday. (: Yay!

And, yuyi, dont get jealous... i have close to a hundred songs liao. (:

Feeling so happy, these few days. (: kk.

Thats all!
Monday, May 7, 2007

This is the second time I'm posting in a day... (:
So be happy, cos I don't usually do that.

Don't do stuffs to people, if you don't want them to do the same to you. Yea.
Do you know how childish it is to do mean stuffs to people, to find that they do it back to you?
I mean like... thats the most idiotic thing I have ever experienced, and I think I am really dumb. Person A should know what I am talking about huh.

Why waste your time on such stuffs when you can spend your time on more constructive things like blogging? haha. Joking la. (:

I'm still chionging through History now... I know its last minute, and it probably won't be of much use to me during the exam in less than 12 hours time... but I'm making the best of things here. (:

I have learnt another lesson too. Every second counts. Yea. Every second that I'm spending here is a second wasted. I cannot use the same second to study History. BOO!

Am I boring you? Probably.
Science paper was okay today. (: I am not confident of achieving a good grade, but I'm confident of passing the paper, at least.

And Danielle, I'm so jealous of you!!! nushs is so big!! Your field is at least twice as big as the one in tk? LOL. And don't tell me your CCA is dance... (:

Lex... don't be emo okay? Cheer up! You will still have Fidelia by your side, no matter what happens. (:

And Meryl, thanks for being my first tagger today! Yay! (: I know you love me too. (:
Boonmay, don't give a shit to Mr Rizal... He's talking crap most of the time... by the way, you didn't show him attitude did you? Cos if you did, I'm taking back what I said. (: hehehe

Thats all. Good luck for MYEs
Sunday, May 6, 2007

Changed new blogskin, as I was getting bored of the other one.
Some people could be just so childish... As I've only JUST realised today. Hmm... Sounds familiar huh, Alex and Fidelia?

Having History exam tomorrow. That means there are just 3 more papers for some muggers to go through. (: Does that sound familiar. [.cough.]

And I've decided. I WILL go back for band after the mids. So there goes my Saturday? Anyway, outdoor will be a change. I might get a tan, if I'm lucky. (:

And... Meryl got 2 tickets free to watch spideyman 3. Hmph! That is so NOT fair. ):
Where has all the fair-ness gone to in this world, I wonder.

Oh yea. This blogskin has my favourite colours, except for orange. BOO! haha. I thought Yvette's blog might be orange, since her linkie is 'orangefreakisme.blogspot' , but alas, NO. But thinking again, her bag is orange, her file is orange... what else? Her font? lol.

So many things has happened these few days... especially during the exam times.
~Mr Low is leaving.
~Mr Kang found our blogs.
~Good friends somewhere have fallen out.
~The maths paper was so hard.
~Boonmay kena-ed by Mr Rizal.
~I'm in 2 minds in BH and F.
~Misunderstandings everywhere.

That is A LOT to happen in a couple of weeks?
And why can't Mr Low stay longer? I'm going to miss him. Why? Cos he's one of the only teachers that we can talk and joke with... despite the age difference.

Mr Kang is leaving too... To NIE, where he has to receive further training. He said that Mr Low might be his senior. =.= Nice one, Mr Kang.

So who's going to take over Mr Kang for D and T? None other than the strict malay teacher that we've been having. BOO! Why her of all teachers? She is the only one available. Yea. What a JOKE. I wish it were. ):

The MYE maths paper was a horror. The first paper was already relatively hard. Paper 2 was suicide for many of us. I mean like.. what was the setter's problem? Setting a paper so hard... Bcos it's streaming year? Well whoever it is, you've gotten your wish. It was a nightmare.

And guess who is marking our maths papers? None other than Mr Rizal. Somehow, I have a feeling that he will be biased when marking, cos Boonmay pissed him off... But then again. Aren't teachers supposed to be un-biased? Or is it that they make it seem like they are not biased?

Last friday went to parkway with Yuyi, Fidelia and Huaixi. Huaixi left for tuition shortly after. Boonmay, sinmay and Jael came shortly after. They were drenched. HAHA. (: And, we stole their breakfast. (: Too BAd.

Getting really sensitive these few days. So dont mind me, if I suddenly went up to you and accused you for false accusations... Haven't been feeling myself these few days. I know that Xinyi is very scared to see me high once more. Why? I can do anything when I'm high. So, pray hard that I don't get high, won't you?

Kkaes. Thats all. Good luck for your exams. (:
Wednesday, April 18, 2007


the most the best the coolest girl in the world.
i love her<3
Monday, April 16, 2007

Today, CE was taken up by a Planet Crush lesson on blogging. WOW. Didn't realise that blogging could cause so much trouble. Next time must be more careful when I post abt LAB...
Had maths lesson later on, and Mr Low was late. So, we all thought that he was absent, and there would be no maths. Woots! But alas, NO. Mr Tan came in, and he took over the maths lesson instead. ): BOO.
Finally, I paid some attention to the maths lesson, and I understood perfectly well. (: YAYNESS.

for the new class comittee members, please vote for:
Chairman: Boonmay(:
Vice-Chair: Huat Leng
CIP: Cheryl(:
Sports rep:Bridget(:
Treasurer: Punnit

1. Boonmay is always late, and we have her to be our GOOD role model. So if anything goes wrong, we can say, "But the chairman also does this what." YAY. Just joking boonmay.. Don't come and find me. (:
2. Huat Leng needs to be sabo-ed to do some work. (: But later he might just give us hell.
3. Cheryl is very lazy, so she won't bug us to do work, like Dev. (:
4. We can get good benefits from Bridget!
5. Punnit will kena all the time from us when he collects money(:

All this is NOT sarcastic. LOL.